All You Need to Know About Periodontal Disease

the best Diagnosis.

Periodontal Disease Treatment Longmont

Gum disease and tooth decay are two of the greatest dangers to oral health. Infections and inflammation of the gums and soft tissues that support the teeth are typically the underlying cause of periodontal disease. This condition can start as gingivitis. Gingivitis is a moderate gum disease that causes swollen, irritate, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis. As a disease progress, the gums might pull away from the teeth and the teeth become loose or fall out.

If you have periodontal disease, your gums will be sore and uncomfortable due to inflammation. It is very important to be examined by a trained periodontist should you be experiencing any symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis.

If you neglect your oral health, it can be detrimental to your overall health.

Certain bacteria in the gums have been linked to infections and disordersthat affect the entire body, such as heart disease and sepsis. Bacteria can rapidly colonize the void when one or more teeth aremissing. This can result in widespread infection.

When considering our teeth, it is easy to overlook the significance of healthy gums, however, once you experience the discomfort of advanced periodontitis, you will realize how crucial it is to take care ofyour gums. If you receive treatment immediately, you can save yourteeth and smile. Here are the answers to ten questions regardingperiodontitis treatment and recovery. This will assist you inregaining gum health, overall oral health and a long-lasting smile.

The two primary phases of periodontal disease are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal disease. Symptoms include

  • Persistent bad breath (halitosis)
  • Bleeding gums when flossing,
  • Gum that seem red or slightly darker than usual

Overtime and if left untreated gingivitis can develop into periodontitis,a more severe form of gum disease. Red, inflamed gums are anindication of periodontitis. This inflammation creates gaps in thegums that bacteria can use to reach the tooth's supporting structures below the gum line. In its advanced stages, this can cause teeth to loosen and, ultimately, fall out.

Periodontist Longmont

Without treatment, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severeform of gum disease. The bone and connective tissue that support the teeth have begun to deteriorate. Without therapy, the gums and bonesthat support teeth weaken when periodontitis progresses from mild tomoderate to severe.

Atthis stage, Periodontal Treatment Longmont aims to preventthe disease from spreading and to restore as much of the tooth's supporting structure as possible. Gum surgery, bone and tissuegrafts, and antibiotics may all be components of treatment.

Periodontal Disease Treatment Longmont

1. Treatment for gum disease without surgical intervention

When detected early, periodontal disease can be treated with lessinvasive, non-surgical procedures. This, coupled with improved oralhygiene, can result in a complete recovery. Professional cleaning scan further assist in the healing process. If the gum disease has reached the point of gingivitis, more thorough cleanings and possibly other non-surgical treatments to restore periodontal health will be necessary.

Scaling and root planing are non-surgical methods for preventing the progression of periodontal disease. They serve as the initial line of defense against the disease and are performed as part of a more thorough cleansing. Scaling and root planing involve removing tartar(hardened dental plaque) and plaque from below the gum line, followed by polishing the tooth root surfaces. Plaque, tartar, and bacterial toxins create inflammation, which can lead to worsen gum disease. Antimicrobial medications administered below the gum line or systemi cantibiotics can be used with scaling and root planing to lower thenumber of bacteria in the mouth even further. If non-surgical meansof treatment fail, surgery will likely be recommended to prevent periodontal disease from worsening and to repair as much damage as possible.

2. Periodontal Surgery

When gum disease has progressed beyond the first stage, it is typical torecommend periodontal surgery. This is done so that germs and tartar can be removed from the tooth sockets, gingival pockets can be reduced, lost tissue can be restored, and the progression of the disease can be halted. Remember that gum disease is a chronic ailment that worsens over time. Gum disease would worsen without treatment, putting the patient's oral and overall health and the integrity of their teeth in jeopardy.

Untreated gingivitis leads to subsequent stages of gum disease. These stagesare characterized by deeper periodontal pockets, more resistantbacteria, and increased space between the teeth and gums. Frequently, gum surgery is required to clean and repair the gums and soft tissues tructures surrounding the teeth. This is because deep cleanings and other conservative care methods can not reach large, periodontal pockets (defined as 5 mm or more).

The good news is that periodontal disease can be surgically treated. When treated successfully, it is less likely to result in tooth loss, damage to the bone and soft tissues that support the teeth, and other health problems.

The following are some of the things that pocket reduction surgery can accomplish:

  • Bacteria is eliminated from the gums and the tooth roots.
  • The progression of bone loss is slowed or stopped al together.
  • Cleaning between and around the teeth is made easier and creates less discomfort.

Flap surgery is a standard periodontal procedure that is frequently performed. The periodontal pocket and tooth roots can be thoroughly cleansed using this technique, and the underlying tissues can be modified as necessary. During this process, the gums are separated from the teeth and bone. Once this is accomplished, sutures can beutilized to reattach the tissue flag to its proper location.

In addition to more conventional surgical techniques, dental lasers are currently utilized in a range of periodontal operations. When appropriately used, lasers can aid in the treatment of periodontitis,the reduction of pocket depth, the treatment of peri-implantitis, andthe removal of excess gum tissue for cosmetic purposes.

How to treat periodontal disease

Gum disease is treated by reattaching the gums to the teeth in a healthy manner, reducing inflammation, reducing the depth of gum pockets, minimizing the risk of infection, and preventing the condition's progression.

The treatment modality depends on the severity of your illness and the efficacy of previous therapies as well as the patient's overall health, procedures can be either non-invasive in its earlier stages or more surgical-based as the disease becomes more advanced. Surgical intervention includes procedures to replace supporting tissue structures. Non-surgical intervention includes scaling and root planing as well as antibiotic treatment used to inhibit progressive bacterial growth. Antibiotics help reduce the risk of infection andeliminate hazardous bacteria hiding below the gum line.

In summary: The best treatment for periodontitis

Deep Dental Cleaning: To prevent your periodontitis from worsening, it is important to get regular dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar up to the gum line.

Root Planing: Before the non-invasive cleaning treatment known as "scaling and root planing," local anesthesia is administered to the patient'steeth. During this procedure, tartarand plaque are completely removed. This eliminates infections and provides a healing environment for the gums.

Pocket Reduction and Flap Surgery: Surgical intervention is required when periodontal disease has reached a more advanced level. Before flap surgery, the gums are retracted to make tartar removal easier. The gums are then reconnected to the teeth to reduce the space between them.

Using Donor Bone to Rebuild: Whenperiodontal disease has caused bone loss, the bone must be replaced. Our periodontists may utilize your “autogenous” bone to grafts the area. Alternatively synthetic or animal derived bone substitutecan be used to build up bony structures in the mouth.

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